Mental Case 1

So this is my first try at blogging. Why is it even called blogging. That just sounds so depressing. Like we are just dumping thoughts into a computer hoping people will give a shit about what we have to say. But hey. Writing is a form of therapy so why not indulge.
I call my blog Mental Break Down as a means of breaking down all the issues that make me mental- both in real life and in the fantasy land I call my mind.
I am not carrying around some heavy deep diagnosis of mental illness, but more like trying to understand all the issues that can make a somewhat normal person feel like she will throw herself over the edge. So why do I do the things I do, why do I react the way I do, and how does how I react impacts those around me. Hmmmmm.......
I promise to be honest about anything and everything. Real life at its best. I can promise you will never know anyone quite like me.
Heres my current situation in a nutshell: loving husband of 3 years, beautiful 21 month old daughter, 11 year old rat terrier with a bark that can challenge even the worst nails on a chalkboard. I live in a great house that I hate, I live in Charleston, SC which sounds glorious, but we'll get into that later. My husband is a network engineer (geek) and he works long hard hours just waiting for stuff to be productive. I am a new stay at home mom with a previous career in the nursing profession where stuff was always productive.
Jacy is our first daughter and she is giving us a run for our money. From colic to terrible twos she is keeping us on our toes. Its a welcome challenge as we can't imagine not having her in our lives. Well..... we can occasionally when we realize how easy things were before her, but man were we bored back then.
So thats my intro. Pretty basic.... pretty bare..... but I promise you there is always more to the story.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Now that would be a good thing if we were at a horse race. Sadly, that is NOT a good thing in this house. So I mentioned I have a rat terrier who is 11 years old. She grew up in the big city where it would be either hitting pavement (very little grass) to go potty or hitting the piddle papers. Yes folks, pee pee pads. An expensive version of how people used to do it back in the day with newspaper. But I digress.....
My dog has been my life, my bff, my head PIC (partner in crime) since 1999. I would give my life for this dog..... until now. Ever since Jacy was born, Bizkit has developed somewhat of an attitude problem. No idea why. The dog continues to sleep in bed with us and get several square meals a day, which cost 65 bucks a freaking 18 pound bag!! Apparently my Bizkit has allergies to everything imaginable except duck and potatoe..... yeah. My dog can't eat beef or chicken, or pork. OR her eyeball swells up and starts to fall out of her head (seriously), her skin turns bright red, and she begins to itch and scratch all over. Whats even worse.... is she gets an irritated anus as well with her allergies so she is constantly licking her ass, CONSTANTLY. So her breath smells like her ass is backed up into her mouth. This last point wouldn't be too much of an issue except Bizkit shows her affection by licking us. So we pay out the ass (no pun intended) to have her teeth cleaned every year which greatly improves her breath for about 5 minutes. Sigh.
Bizkit has been paper trained since 99. She does have accidents sometimes, but mostly she's pretty spot on as long as the piddle paper is kept fresh. She's a little snooty that way. But sometimes she misses the paper completely and I am starting to think she is doing it purposely as an attention getter (any attention is good attention right??)Well today was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I'm telling you I was ape shit crazy. SO how would you feel if this happened to you:
Every morning you wake up, brush your teeth, wash your face, throw on some clothes. Put down a pidde paper for Bizkit in the bathroom, just in case. Go downstairs get breakfast started, clean up some dishes, feed Bizkit. Put a clean piddle paper downstairs just in case. Then you start getting laundry together just in time to hear your toddler ready to be awake for the day. You go get her, get her dressed, brush her teeth, wash her face, comb her hair.... takes about 10 minutes. Dare I add that you have something going on with your hormones that makes you sweat profusely and go zero to bitch in less than 5 seconds. You know, this is the time when you should just handle the barest minimum of tasks for fear of going postal. Then you come back downstairs and walk into the pantry where fresh pee is all over the damn floor. As you start cleaning that up and wrestling a toddler to stay away from the "uh oh" (she repeats this over and over and over again as a means to help me see the uh oh). Then I turn around to get the simple green and what do I find on the kitchen floor...... FUCKING TURDS!! Bizkit decided to drop a deuce on my kitchen floor. "Uh oh momma, Uh oh". So Jacy goes in the high chair for breakfast. I clean up the second "uh Oh" and then I hear the sound of gastric juices being churned inside a rat terrier tummy. You know the sound, kinda like a cat coughing up a hairball, but grosser. Just as I get up to run to Bizkit to get a paper under her to throw up on she pukes out all kinds of nasty leopard print hairy stuff all over the carpet in two spots!!!!!! "Uh oh momma".
Yeah.... today was not a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my.
    It can get worse ;-p
    You could have had my issues from last summer. 9 month old very interested in cat box in front closet... mommy goes nuts trying to keep him away... mommy puts up gates ect... one day mommy sees baby in hallway going for the front closet litter box... mommy takes him away and puts him on the other side of the gate... mommy gets a towel to wash his hands and comes out to find... SAID 9 MONTH OLD picking a cat turd up off the floor and putting it in his mouth.
    I just couldn't handle it.

    So yes, it does get worse. HUGS! My cat has been SO annoying since we had Z. Scrapes at EVERYTHING at 2am, 3am, 4am and then meows LOUDLY when we lock him in the basement. WTH?
